Latest Outdoor Project: MEMORIAL GARDEN

Help build the Museum's Memorial Garden and support the mission of the Foundation with your donation today!


Create a Place to Honor the Fallen

The Army Historical Foundation has launched a campaign to create a Memorial Garden on the grounds of the National Museum of the United States Army. The Garden will be a dedicated space where visitors can reflect on the tremendous sacrifices that we have asked of our Soldiers, especially those who gave their fullest measure to our nation. For those visitors who personally remember Soldiers lost in service to the country, the Memorial Garden will be a place of healing and a symbol of our nation’s enduring memory of their friends and loved ones.

The Memorial Garden will be situated just outside the main entrance of the Museum. The Garden’s design will take the shape of an “A” for “Army” as visitors walk in, and a “V” for “victory” as they exit. At the far point of the Garden will be a Soldier’s Cross resting on a pedestal—a timeless representation of the Soldiers who now rely on all of us to tell their stories of service and sacrifice.

We cannot wait any longer to create a special place of remembrance for our Fallen.

For more information, please email

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